Recommended Folder Structure

Best practices for organizing your folders and documents.

Collaboration is a key feature in AllDrafts, and you can collaborate on a whole folder as well as specific document.

It can be helpful to organize your folders with collaboration in mind.

At the top level, the permanent Personal folder is where you should store documents visible only to you.

To collaborate within a law firm or corporation, create a top level folder with the organization name and share it with your team. (Ideally only one person in the firm creates this folder, which is then shared with others. It does not matter who creates the folder -- everyone who has edit permissions is a co-owner -- but it helps if there's just one shared folder for the team.)

Within a law firm folder you can then organize by client name or year, according to your own preferences. Keep in mind what client-related documents you might want to share with the client or not, and set up subfolders accordingly.

  • Note: Sharing permissions are inherited. If you share a folder, you've shared its subfolders.

Last updated