Document Details

Title and Status

The document Title and Status can be edited here (as well as at the top of the document editing view).

Document Type

This is a hierarchial description of the document type from most general to more specific, separated by "--". Only the first level impacts the user interface, particularly the choice between 'Contract' and 'Letter'.

See Document Types for more information.


This is a short description of the document that will be shown in the folder view below the document title and which can be used to search for the document.


A list of semicolon-separated keywords that can be used to search for the document. Multi-word keywords are allowed.


The named author of the document.

Client ID and Matter ID

These are alphanumeric fields used only to associate this document in AllDrafts with your existing practice management or filing system. You can put anything you'd like in these fields and choose to have them used in the header or footer of printed and exported documents, or in the file name of a downloaded Word or PDF document.

In the future, when AllDrafts is connected by API to a practice management system these fields may be automatically filled in as appropriate.

Audit Trail

A detailed list of everything that's happened with this document.

Last updated