How folders work, and how to organize your work.
Last updated
How folders work, and how to organize your work.
Last updated
The AllDrafts folder system is similar to your existing Windows or Mac file system. Folders can contain documents or other folders, in whatever hierarchy you would like.
For convenience, you can create any folder hierarchy simply by specifying it. For example, if you have a brand new client Badlands Air Group, Inc. and they've asked you to draft an employment agreement, you can create a new document and set the folder name to "Badlands Air Group / HR / Employment Agreements" and the entire folder hierarchy will be created at once.
You can move a document in the folder view by simply dragging it to a new folder. You can right-click on a document and choose 'Move' to specify a new folder. To move a document while it is open for editing, click the folder icon to the left of the document title in the top bar of the application.
When you are moving a folder, you can simply click and edit the folder path, or click on a component of the path (including the / level separator) to see a dropdown with options.
Folders, like documents, can be shared with others. Use the Share button link at the upper-right of the folder header to share a folder.
You must categorize everyone you share with as Team, Client, or Counterparty. The folder will be colored accordingly.
See Also: Special Folders