Fields also have a value, which is their content. When a field is empty, it renders as an yellow-highlighted underline with the field name (or field type, if there is no name specified). When the field has a value, the field renders the value in the document in the format specified (for types with formats).
Values can generally be entered in the easiest possible way, or fully formed in a formatted function, and they will be parsed and re-rendered according to the specified Format. (So while a field might read "one thousand dollars ($1,000)", you can set a new value just by typing 500 into the value field, which will then update to read "five hundred dollars ($500)".)
The same field can appear many times in a document, and will always have the same value, question, and description (though each instance can render with a specific format).
Feel free to copy text with fields and paste elsewhere in the document, or to copy from one document to another.
If you 'View > Show questions' (to see field questions inline in the document) or share a document as questions for client intake, a field's question will only appear once, where the field is first used in the order of fields in the document. So feel free to reference the field as many times as needed.
Naming Fields
Reuse Defined Terms. It is common (and recommended) to name fields that will be referenced by a Defined Term with the same text; while it may seem awkward when typing a template, the field name 'Employee' will of course be hidden in practice by the actual employee name.
Be concise. Since every field can have both a question and a description affiliated, which will be used in questionnaires and available on hovering over the field, field names do not need to include extra words or questions. "Employee" is a better field name than "Name of Employee", since the questionnaire will likely have a question in the form "Who is the Employee?"
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