Document Settings
How document settings are inherited and affect document display.
Document settings are split into Styles, which primarily affect how the document is formatted, both on-screen, in PDF, and in print, and Page Formatting, which is only used when exporting to PDF or Word, or printing.
Each setting indicates the source of the current value, following the label and value field. This defaults to "From Defaults", which indicates that the value is a system default. If you change the value in this document, it becomes "This document". If you had given a value to this setting as part of the Style overrides on a parent folder, the folder name will be shown here.
If you've set a value here on the document, but want to go back to inheriting from parent folders (or system defaults), you can choose 'Default' from the list of options.
Here you can choose a style sheet, numbering style, and very specific font and font-size properties for the document and headers and footers.
(In this context, header and footer refer to small type in the upper or lower page margin typically used for page numbers, document titles, date and time, etc. -- not the 'headings' in the document text itself.)
The most commonly modified document styles can also be chosen from the Style menu in the document editor; these are the same setting shown here in a large list view.
Page Formatting
Here you can set margins and the format of headers and footers.
Note: The header is not rendered on the first page of an exported document, but starts appearing on the second page. The footer appears on all pages for contracts, but starts on the second page for letters.
For the header and footer you can also set the text you want rendered at the left, center, and right positions. You can type any text here, and can insert from a list of special tokens that will render dates, page numbers, etc.
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